Technical Job Requirements for Industry

By Debra Nickelson, D.V.M.

The previous article lists job requirements that involve soft skills and how your clinical examples translate to those skills. Here are some more technical job requirements and how your education and skills would meet them. You meet more job requirements that you think, so expand your thinking and believe in yourself.

Job RequirementWhat that MeansClinical Examples
Technology managementKeep current on technological developments, use technology to achieve results, secure systemsPractice management software, laboratory equipment, herd management systems
Financial managementPrepare budgets, oversee procurement and contracts, monitor expenses, consider cost benefit for setting prioritiesPractice management, inventory, supply company contracts, budgets for clients
AccountabilityHold self and others accountable for SMART objectives, set priorities, delegate work, accept responsibility for mistakesPractice management, average client transaction, production levels, standard operating procedures, regulatory compliance
Human capital managementBuild and manage workforce according to organizational goals, needs and budget, recruit, select, train, appraise employees, act on performance challengesPractice management, train and evaluate employees, hire, fire, set raises and bonus decisions
EntrepreneurshipIdentify new opportunities for organization, develop or improve products and services, take calculated risks for organizational goalsPractice management, new services, new equipment, practice growth, client outreach
Strategic thinkingFormulate objectives and priorities, implement plans consistent with organizational goals, capitalize on opportunities and manage risksPractice management, business plans, herd improvement plans, exit strategies
Problem solvingIdentify and analyze problems, consider accuracy of information, generate and evaluate solutions, make recommendationsPractice management, client interactions, diagnosis, treatment, follow up plans, herd evaluations
Creativity and innovationDevelop insights into situations, encourage new ideas and innovations, design and implement new programs and processesPractice management, client communication, education, and compliance, new programs

Again, do you see a pattern? All these more technical skills involve practice management and you do that every day, with your co-workers, employees and clients.  So when you are asked in an interview, “Tell me about a program you initiated and how it worked out,” you can give an example of how you and the team started a new service for the practice, how you advertised that to clients, what was the response and how much actual or percent of growth resulted for the practice. Again, behavioral interviewing.

  • What was the opportunity
  • What you did
  • What were the results

 Good luck and let us know how we can help!

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