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AAIV President, Bianca Zenor

President’s Letter | Q2 2024

Dear AAIV Members, When I think of spring, I envision beauty, new opportunities and growth. It’s a season that inspires fresh perspectives and energizes us for what lies ahead.  I recently embarked on a new chapter, transitioning into a new role and organization. This experience reinforced the value of reflection and seizing new opportunities. For…
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Q2 2024 AVMA House of Delegates Report

By Debra Nickelson, D.V.M., MBA Your HOD delegates participated in a meeting with AVMA on March 1 to hear about the most recent legislation concerning xylazine. Here is a summary and more details directly from AVMA are below. An updated version of the Combating Illicit Xylazine Act has become public. The updated language can be found here.…
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Turkish towel on wood floor

My Must Have | Q2 2024

By Ann Korbel, D.V.M. – AAIV President-Elect When I made the transition from general veterinary practice to industry, I became a road warrior. Over the years I’ve developed a long list of travel essentials, but today I’d like to share a fun one. I never leave home – for work or for play – without a…
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My Must Have | Q1 2024

By Jennifer Kasten, D.V.M. Industry veterinarians are busy people. For most of us, our days are filled spent in airports or driving down highways, attending dinners that extend late into the night, sleeping in hotel rooms and squeezing in email and admin time wherever we can get it. Our office-based colleagues frequently spend their time in…
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Q1 2024 AVMA House of Delegates Report

By Debra Nickelson D.V.M., MBA AAIV Delegate The House of Delegates for the AVMA met during the Veterinary Leadership Symposium early January in Chicago. For once it was rather nice outside! The American Association of Industry Veterinarians is represented by myself and Dr. Tim Smaha. Please send any comments or questions to AAIV at…
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AAIV President, Bianca Zenor

President’s Letter | Q1 2024

President’s Perspective Dear AAIV Members, As we step into the promise of a new year, I am honored to serve as the President of the AAIV. Winter invites us to reflect and set intentions for the coming year, and I invite each of you to join me on this journey. Reflecting on 2023, we celebrate…
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