Dr. Jim Lowe

Dr. Jim Lowe

VP OF external communications and Marketing

Dr. Jim Lowe received Bachelor of Sciences degrees in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences and Veterinary Science at Texas A&M prior to earning his DVM in 1995 from the College of Veterinary Medicine. He spent 18 years in small and large animal private practice, including owning a mobile, large animal service, before transitioning to industry in 2013 where he held roles in technical services, sales management, and solutions development at Vetoquinol. Prior to joining Dechra, Dr. Lowe was a Manager of Veterinary Medical Affairs at Anivive Lifesciences. Dr. Lowe is a volunteer with Not One More Vet (NOMV), an organization transforming the status of mental wellness within the veterinary profession, serving as co-chairperson of the CLEAR Practice Certification Committee, a member of the NOMV advisory committee, and as a peer supporter with Lifeboat. He live is in Georgia with his veterinary assistant wife, their daughter, horses, dogs, and cats.

Headshot of Jim Lowe - VP of External Communications

Current Position
Professional Services Veterinarian


College of Veterinary Medicine
Texas A&M