Dr. Kari Mundschenk
VP of Internal Communications
Dr. Mundschenk graduated from Washington State University and is certified as a diplomate by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners specializing in feline practice. Her career experience includes 16 years in mixed- and small-animal practice, followed by 10 years of feline-exclusive practice. She is a past director of the American Association of Feline Practitioners and is coauthor of the 2014 AAFP Feline Inappropriate Elimination Guidelines. She serves as a Scientific Advisor on the EveryCat Foundation grant review committee. Though she enjoys learning and teaching about all species, her special interest is feline internal medicine, particularly hyperthyroidism, renal disease, oncology, and the role stress plays in the expression of behavior and disease.
Dr, Mundschenk currently serves as the Professional Service Veterinarian for the new Mountain West region for IDEXX. In addition, she is aligned with the feline product franchise and microbiology reference lab product team, and is part of the Global PSV training curriculum.
When she is not working, you can find Dr. Mundschenk at home in Nevada with her husband, two dogs, two cats, a horse, mule and many chickens. She loves outdoor activities, gardening, scuba diving and trail running.

Current Position
Professional Services Veterinarian,
Mountain West Region for IDEXX
College of Veterinary Medicine
Washington State University