President’s Letter | Q3 2022

By Timothy Smaha

Posted: 8/11/2022, 4:34 PM

Let me first start by saying thank you to everyone who joined us for the AVMA reception and who attended one of the many sessions that AAIV collaborated on. This AVMA meeting was one of the best to date. 

Having said that, for those who didn’t attend the networking event, I wanted to take a second to tell you how AAIV is your advocate in the AVMA. As an affiliate organization, AAIV has a delegate and an alternate delegate to the House of Delegates automatically, and our members represent in other areas as well. 

·      Dr. Ellen Lowery, AAIV Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates;

·      Dr. Deb Nickelson, AAIV Alternate Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates;

·      Dr. Pam Mitchell – AAIV Secretary and Alternate Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates for Louisiana.    

But the influence of AAIV runs deeper than this. During this most recent election cycle, AAIV nominated several delegates and they were accepted to several committees. 

·      Dr. Efrem Hunter was nominated and accepted to the Legislative Advisory committee;

·      Dr. Wendy Weirich was nominated and accepted as alternate to the Animal Welfare committee;

·      Dr. Joe Dedrickson was nominated and accepted to the Animal Agriculture Liaison Committee;

·      Dr. Karen Shenoy was nominated and accepted to the Food Safety Advisory Committee (FSAC).

I would like to highlight. Dr Shenoy. For most of these committees, AAIV has an automatic nomination. However, the FSAC position was an at-large position for pet food industry. Dr. Shenoy asked for AAIV to sponsor her for the committee and we did so through an alternate track (meaning we did not have automatic nomination potential). This is a good example of how AAIV can work for you. As an affiliate of the AVMA, AAIV can help to provide access to these important aspects of organized veterinary medicine.  

I personally often get questions about “why should I join AAIV?” or simply “what’s in it for me?” Well, there are so many things that AAIV can do for you, but as with all things in life, there is a better return on investment when you put more into it. Dr. Weirich, Dr. Shenoy and Dr. Hunter all utilized their membership and connection with AAIV to get them on the committees that they wanted to represent. They are all now leaders among your AVMA, our AVMA. Are you the next future leader of the AVMA? Let us help you, and let’s get industry veterinarians represented across the board. 

Not interested in organized vet med? That’s OK! There are so many other things we can help with. Everyday I go online and see veterinarians asking about “how do I get into industry?” or “what can I do with my degree besides private practice?” Well, we got you covered there too. Our members have access to our job board which highlights the jobs of most major companies currently hiring. Many jobs are highlighted every week on our social media pages as well so be sure to follow for the most up to date job postings. Furthermore, with a network of over 400 veterinary professionals, we have experience all across industry from regulatory to corporate practice field leadership to pharmaceutical companies. Through our networking receptions, webinars and mentoring program, there is always someone there who knows what you are going through and who is willing to help. Let our networking potential work for you. 

Already in industry and just looking for a transition to a new role? Did you know that the compensation survey we do each year has the influence of hiring managers from several different industry partners? As a member you have instant access to the results of the previous surveys and can utilize this information for your own contract negotiations. 

Maybe none of these work for you, but let me turn the question of “what’s in it for me” around. Let us know what you want to see. AAIV is your organization. Let’s make it work for you. 


Tim Smaha

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