What Do Companies Need and What Can You Offer?

By Debra Nickelson, D.V.M.

What kinds of work are involved in veterinary industry?

  • Research – biomedical, clinical, field, environmental, genetics, pharmacological, animal care
  • Business – intercompany licensing, mergers, acquisitions, negotiations, executive leadership
  • Regulatory affairs – product registration, pharmacovigilance, compliance
  • Product support – marketing, technical services, customer service, field sales
  • Research and development – production, project management, quality assurance
  • Communications – writing, editing, blogging, social media, public relations

What can you do for a company? Basically, companies look for employees who can either make money or decrease costs. Think of what you do in practice now to make money or decrease costs. This table lists some examples of jobs and functions, considering actual jobs are mostly cross-functional.

 Technical ServicesPharmaco-vigilanceMarketingSalesR&DRegulatoryBusiness Development
Increase revenue  XX  X
Decrease expensesXXX  X 
Increase market shareX XX  X
Bring products to market  X X X
Keep products on marketXXXXXX 
Bring new businessX XXX X
Keep customersXXXX X 

What kinds of traits and experience do employers seek? Employers looks for evidence of leadership skills and the ability to work as a team player. Since many jobs involve working with veterinary customers, they value a candidate’s experience in veterinary practice, with or without ownership. Some positions prefer board certification in a specialty or an MBA for more marketing roles. An understanding of or willingness to learn business principles is a plus, as every job in veterinary industry involves business. Excellent communication and analytical skills with problem solving abilities are highly valued. Employers are looking for people with self-confidence, a strong work ethic and a professional business image. Flexibility, a positive attitude and sense of humor serves a candidate looking for a job in industry.

You already have most of these traits and skills, just being in practice. You already provide excellent customer service, communicate with different types of people, solve problems, educate clients and handle complaints. You already explain complex concepts in an understandable way, and you sell your diagnostic and treatment recommendations besides the necessary products.

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