President’s Letter | Q4 2023
President’s Perspective
It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is upon us. Where did the time go, and when will I find the time for a little holiday shopping? I wanted to open this letter by congratulating the 2023 board on their accomplishments this year. I truly appreciate your hard work and patience along the way. It’s great to see the progress and continued success of the organization. A big congratulations and welcome are in order for the new 2024 board. This year we welcome Dr. Diane McDonald from Merck Animal Health as a new at-large director. We’re excited to have you, Diane!
This month marks my last month as president. In January, I will turn the presidency over to Dr. Bianca Zenor, a respected colleague, fellow mom and friend. I cannot imagine a more talented and insightful individual to lead our organization in 2024.
Are you going to VMX? We invite you to our first ever morning coffee networking reception! Mark your calendars for 7:30 – 9 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 14, in Celebration Room 13 in the Hyatt. Stop by for some light breakfast items, morning coffee and most importantly, the opportunity to network with your current and future industry veterinarian colleagues. It is a great way to meet new veterinarians and technicians excited to explore industry opportunities and connect with old friends.
Additionally, we will be hosting the Learning and Leadership track as always. All day on Saturday, industry experts will speak on topics such as how to break into non-clinical veterinary jobs and how to connect with difficult people.
Finally, I want to thank YOU — the members! We couldn’t do what we do without your continued support and interest in our programming and industry. I hope you all have a safe, healthy and happy holiday season. We’ll see you in 2024!
Warmest regards,

Allison Sateren
AAIV President